One of the key premises of this work is the principled dissollution of "otherness" of indigenous peoples in the minds and actions of "disintegrated", digitized, industrialized, mechanized modern citizens while holding the delicate balance of respect, validation and allyship without the domination ethics of (mis)appropriation and cultural theft. It is the firm belief and experience of this writer that every disintegrated [1] human has a direct path back and forward to their own indigeny, true sense of identity and profound sense of purpose as a spiritual energetic embodied in human form. This innerstanding also gives rise to a fundamental and profound awareness that inherent in this premise, this meta-cultural context is a key to conceptualizing and manifesting a (possibly) new conception of global unity and harmonious life based upon the work and sense of unity and real solidarity within the worldwide organization and organizations and organizing of indigenous peoples and nations, work that it is strongly suggested represents a basic and necessary model for universal human and cultural interelationship, sustained working relationships with Mother/Father Earth and Her/His profound gifts (natural resources) to Her/His children (human and otherwise) and the path back and forward to a global cultural production that is based on a fundamental and informed understanding and embrace of the material and energetic realities that have come into human awareness over the last 3 to 6 million years (no small thing).
[1] Disintegrated is one of the terms used to describe privileged modern, industrial people generally living in cities (but not limited to that environment) in colonial or settler-colonial countries (I.e., USAmerica, Canada, England). This term refers to the dangerous level to which these people have been dis-integrated from their Ancestral cultural roots and their historical indigenous heritage which generally for most peoples included a close and functional integration with nature and Spirit.